Worship Resources

 If there is any Biblical author who gets right to the point, it is Jude.  Jude’s epistle is only one chapter, comprised of only 25 verses.  And, in it, he does not beat around the bush.  Although his intentions were to write of “our common salvation,” he was compelled to remind his readers of the  judgements that fell upon God’s people because of their abuse of His Word and faith and to warn them of the false teachers in their midst who continue to lead the faithful astray with their lies and deceptions.  It is a timely message as, living in these last days,  this is still a challenge for the faithful.  So many voices to listen to.  So many teachers who claim to proclaim the truth.  Yet, so many are led astray.  Our text for this Last Sunday of the Church Year counters this challenge by reminding us that Jesus is able to “keep you from stumbling” so that He may “present you blameless before the presence of [the Father’s] glory.”

Out of town this Sunday? Sick?

Sometimes the need might arise to participate in the Divine Service online – vacation, illness, etc.  We do live stream our services on our YouTube channel.  You are encouraged to subscribe to the channel so it is easily accessible if you cannot attend the services in person.  In addition, the following link provides some helpful tips to making online worship more edifying for you.