8:30-11:30 a.m., 12:30-3:30 p.m. or 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Eligibility: Child’s birthday must fall by Sept 1st to enter program of choice

Curriculum description: Using developmentally-appropriate practices, each room is set up with a variety of centers and activities that foster the child’s total growth in all areas. Using theme-based approaches (each level covers a monthly theme as listed below), the children learn essential social skills while expanding their world and being introduced to academic concepts as appropriate. Developmental checklists are used to help monitor student’s growth.

M-F 8:30-11:30 a.m.
Eligibility: Children must be 4 by Sept. 1st to attend

Curriculum description: Following the TEKS, using a variety of techniques to foster Early Literacy Skills, and implementing an adaptation of math tubbing activities (along the lines of the ’Math Their Way’ program), children receive a well-balanced, developmentally-appropriate education that nurtures the total child. Exciting units are on topics like Zoo Animals, “Once Upon a Time”, the Desert, Transportation or Camping, Pilgrims/Indians and Thanksgiving, Christmas, the Four Seasons and Life at the Poles. These programs help to set children up for a successful academic beginning.

Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Eligibility: Children must be 5 by Sept. 1st to attend.

Curriculum description: Following mandates of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Statements (TEKS) as well as integrating Common Core Standards, our Kindergarten offers a well-rounded program nurturing the total child: mentally. physically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually. Kindergarten is a special year in a child’s life—one that sets the standard for many academic years ahead! At Grace we offer a program that blends a balance of developmentally-appropriate ‘Hands-On” learning with academic preparation essential to developing strong reading and writing skills. (Ratio: 9 to each adult: fulltime teacher & aide–18 max.) Our units of study include the Ocean, the Rainforest, Giving Thanks, The First Christmas, Space, Texas, Jesus Loves the Children of the World (including individual presentations and a multi-cultural fair), and Our Changing World.

One of the most convenient features of our school is having additional on-site childcare available for enrolled students for those times when the children need to come to school early, stay late, or come for care on a day when they normally aren’t in class.
Mondays-Fridays: 6:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Eligibility: Children must be in the MDO-2 program or above.

The Extended Care Room is open from 6:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and is available with 24-hour advanced reservations (no ‘spur of the moment drop-ins’ since we must work continually to maintain an adequate staffing ratio).
Students (those not enrolled in the ‘whole day’ programs) will pay hourly rates after any contracted hours have passed (i.e., a ‘whole day’ child may stay at school from 8:30 am until 3:30 pm paying no additional charges, but should they need care before 8:30 a.m. or after 3:30p.m. additional hourly charges apply.)
The Extended Care program is available to the MDO-2 students and up. We do not take our MDO-1’s toddlers because of the large gap in ages of children in care and the desire to offer a quality environment.

Music – Creative Movement – Chapel

As part of the curriculum, we offer 3 “Specials” which most of the children attend on a weekly basis. Children in the MDO 2 and above programs attend a Music class and a Creative Movement class. In addition, children in the MDO 3 and above attend Chapel with the Pastor.
Music Program : The primary goal of the music classroom is to develop the singing voice. The three ways this goal is achieved is through pitch exploration, singing folk and sacred songs, and playing singing games. Another goal is to develop a sense of beat through bouncing and playing unpitched instruments (maracas, sticks and drums).
Creative Movement : This class is taught with a variety of lessons to help the students improve their motor, cognitive, emotional, and social abilities. The children work with a parachute, scooter boards, scarves, ribbons, hula hoops, tunnels, balls, bean bags, balance beam, and rhythm sticks. The primary goal is to have fun being expressive and creative while striving for daily physical fitness.
Chapel : “We are in God’s house today. He is glad to hear us pray. Let us listen, let us sing, gladly make His praises ring.” These are the lyrics to the opening song the children sing as they gather for Chapel, words that orient them to the activities which are used for chapel time. This is a foundational part of the children’s time here at Grace as the Bible is opened to them to learn of God’s love through His Son, Jesus, and as they respond in song and prayer to the forgiveness and life Jesus has won for all by His death and resurrection.