
About Grace Lutheran School

At Grace Lutheran School, we strive for excellence in early childhood education.  Our vision is to offer programs that nurture the total child – mentally, physically,  socially, emotionally, and spiritually – and that fulfills the ministry of our  school by providing a Christian education through teaching basic Bible Stories that allow the children to grow in their faith in and relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.

Children at Grace Lutheran daily hear the message of God’s love and saving grace through Jesus.  As a Lutheran ministry, the  day is filled with opportunities for faith development with daily Bible Story time and prayer being a frequent part of the day.  Also 3-yr-olds and above attend a short weekly chapel time in the sanctuary where our Pastor teaches lessons about Jesus and the children are led in singing Christian songs by our Music Director.   We are here to help each family in any way.

Registration for the 2024-2025 

school year is now open.

Choosing the right school is not an easy decision.  There are many questions that each family wrestles with.  What is the educational philosophy of the school?  Is the facility clean and secure?  Most importantly, will my child be loved and cared for?  To help answer these questions, here are some links about Grace Lutheran School that will address your questions and give you the confidence that Grace is a place worth considering for your child.  

If you have any questions, you are encouraged to call the school office at (254) 441-5519 or e-mail the office.  If you are out of the area, you can also request a Zoom or Facetime meeting to receive a tour of the facilites.