Nurse’s Clinic

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, all of the wellness programs of the Parish Nurse have been suspended.  Please follow the link to our Connect page and sign-up for our Flocknote messaging service, “Like” our Facebook page and “Subscribe to YouTube.

Group Texercise activities have been suspended until the end of the COVID-19 crisis.  However, if you have been active with this program, you are encouraged to keep it up on your own.  Please call the Parish Nurse for guidance if you need help or just a word of encouragement.  

If you would like to start an exercise program during this time, contact the Parish Nurse about some things you can do until the Texercise program resumes in full.

Health Screenings

Health screenings have been suspended until the passing of the COVID-19 crisis and will resume when the social distancing protocols are lifted.  If you have concerns about your blood pressure or other vital signs you can contact the Parish Nurse.  If it is a medical emergency please contact your regular doctor or call for emergency services.

Usually the Fourth Sunday of the Month

The next date will be posted soon.

Positive Ponderings #1 April 2020